The Return
You’ve waited patiently for this moment. You’ve likely been working on the inner for some time and now the outer is beginning to come into alignment. As changing beings, we’re in a never-ending growth cycle. This doesn’t mean that we’re constantly in bloom. No: this means that we’re constantly changing. This card is like the bloom; however, it’s more powerful than that. It heralds the coming and going of a whole new way of being. An entirely new story has been written. This card heralds a great shift in your life. This often takes time. Sometimes even lifetimes. Acknowledge how far you’ve come and how much you’ve grown. You’re a part of creating change – not only in your own life but in the world. Take a moment to take it in. You’re just one of many, but your being here matters. A petal in the rose of a new humanity. Part of the forever unfolding.
Card of the day from The Rose Oracle
Things are aligning for you and around you. They’re convening and coming together. You’re in the right place at the right time. Your outer world matches your inner world. This card is delivering a message of harmony, coming together, and the embodiment of holding a clear vision for many years.
You’ve been doing the groundwork to get to this moment right here. Perhaps for months, years, or even lifetimes. Use this moment. You get to decide what happens next.
Rose Transmission:
I acknowledge how far I’ve come and how much I’ve grown. I decided what happens next.