The Rose Thread

 Inner call. Soul-led. The mystic. Living courageously.

This is the card of the mystic. The one who’s in touch with the depths of the inner world and the inner weavings of the world and beyond, way beyond. They’re dedicated to listening to the mysterious voice whispering within. To following their intuition and living in accordance with that. To living by being guided by the rose thread.

Following the rose thread means being dedicated to walking the way of the rose. To being in service to humanity and dedicated to writing a new story. It requires courage and faith and the willingness to pave a new path.


Card of the day from The Rose Oracle

The rose has been a symbol of the mysteries for thousands of years. The rose thread is the invisible path that the mystic follows. It takes courage to trust it, for the path is different for every single person. This is why it requires courage to trust the inner call. And those who do so find great reward.

This card is a sign that you’re being called to follow this initiatory path, led by the thread deep within. You may find that you’re in a place of great change and are being called to have faith and gather up the courage to take the next step. This card is a sign of encouragement to keep taking the next step. It’s acknowledging the courage it takes to live a soul‐led life and honoring you for always taking the leap.

Rose Transmission:

Even when things feel unclear – especially when they do – I trust that I’m always led from within. 

take me to the oracle

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