17 ways to raise your vibration fast
I don’t know about you but between eclipse seasons, something always being in retrograde, and all of those full and new moons that just keep coming, it feels like the energy on this planet can get a little intense at times! I reckon for anyone remotely sensitive it’s hard to not let it sway you.
I’m beyond grateful for my daily practice and suitcase full of practical tools learned over the years that have allowed me to bring my vibration back to centre whenever things start to feel too intense.
I believe that many of us are here to help raise the vibration of the planet. I innately knew that when I was younger, but had no idea how to do it! But the truth is, it doesn’t take a big action to increase your vibration. So this week I’ve collated 17 of my fave ways to raise your vibration in an instant (accompanied by some of my all time fave gifs!).
1. State out loud one thing that you are grateful for in that moment.
2. Have a dance party for one.
3. Eat more raw stuff: The more organic and unprocessed, the higher the vibe.
4. Take an epsom salt bath.
5. Meditate: Light Bathing is my fave. Download the meditation for free here.
6. Find yourself a patch of earth, kick your shoes off and let Mother Earth do her thing.
7. Say NO to something that drains your energy.
8. Have a tech detox
9. Get out of your left brain & into your right by creating something that didn’t exist a moment before.
10. Breathe deeply: the more oxygen your cells get, the more alive you will feel.
11. Read a high vibe book, like this one (sneaky plug.)
12. Say something nice to a stranger.
13. Head to the ocean and let those negative ions do their thing.
14. Get yourself hugged.

15. Look around and notice something beautiful.
16. Declutter your work and living space.
17. Call in some high vibe friends who raise you up, rather than pulling you down (and maybe do a social inventory while you’re at it).
And finally, check out my Raise Your Vibe in Five Meditations bundle here – perfect for when you only have a few minutes to raise your energy!
(All images via tumblr)