The Call of the Rose

Have you heard the call of the rose?
Anyone who knows me, knows that my love affair with the rose runs deep. To me the rose is much more than the queen of the flowers and also much more than an ancient healing plant. As well as these things, the rose is a sacred mystical symbol of the Goddesses of old and I believe She has potent medicine for these times.

The rose first came to me in a way that I consciously understood in 2010. I was going through a particularly difficult time and was experiencing deep, unshakable grief. As the dormant life force began spiraling within me, the rose emerged as my companion.
She held me firmly in the soil of my changing life, while showing my heart how to open courageously when I most wanted to close, separate, and shut down. She guided me to strengthen, heal, and soften my heart (front and back), to embody my soul more than before, to be open to the sweetness of Life by facing the shadow and the thorn.
Looking back, I can now see I was blessed with what I now call ‘carriers of the rose thread’: mystical people woven into my life whose presence connected me with the ancient memory of the rose and why I chose to come. The more I began working with the rose, the more I opened to receive Her medicine.

I began a weekly ritual of walking to my local flower market and treating myself to six roses that spoke to my soul. This simple ritual felt like a rhythmic invitation for my soul to plant itself more fully here. Next came daily walks in Regent’s Park Rose Garden and years later I would tend to the new seeds of a rose garden of my own.
I began drinking rose‐petal tea and working with flower essences, homeopathy, and infusions. I meditated with a presence I began to call Mother Rose. Unconsciously, I started to make Rose Work a part of my daily practice.
As I watched the roses open, my heart began to soften. As I drank in their sweet fragrance, I slowly began to let the sweetness return to my life. As their thorns pricked me, I was reminded to take care of myself. As their beauty took my breath away, I began to notice more beauty around me.
Before I knew it, I’d entered a deep relationship with this ancient flower. Taste, smell, touch, and sight, the rose became my gateway to experiencing my soul through my body’s senses. A gateway for my soul to be more and more fully here.

I didn’t know it at the time, but this mystical flower would become my creative muse and within a year I would have changed careers and written my first book. But that’s a story for another day and another email.
Over the years I have noticed that I am not alone in hearing this call of the rose.
Perhaps you have been silently drawn to Her too?
If you would like to explore the mystical teachings of the rose, The Rose Oracle is now available for pre-order here. It is my favourite creation and I am so humbled to share it with you.

Pre-order The Rose Oracle here before March 2nd you will receive The Rose Attunement, The Rose Playlist and receive a free ticket to The Rose Activation Event.