The blessings of rock bottoms

rebecca campbell

10 years ago in my studio apartment in Notting Hill, in the dark and new days of 2012, I found myself six months deep into a cracking open. After surrendering to the rock bottom and finding a depth in the ground that I did not know was there, I found myself feeling liberated by a knowing that after having lost so much, change actually felt possible because I had nothing else to lose. It is from this place that I went on to write my first poem I pray you hit rock bottom which was the first bit of writing for my first book.

It was from this place, from the sureness of the soil that I made a decision that would end up being the best one I would ever make. I committed to both a non-negotiable daily practice and to not just listen to but ACT on the whispers of my soul.

rebecca campbell

Prior to that I was quite a dabbler. And so when the winds of change would blow, my spiritual practice would blow with them too. I lacked the deep roots of a long-standing daily devotional practice and way of living to keep me steady. I was good at the leaps but lacked the baby steps each and every day. It was on this morning with the frost under my feet that I vowed to show up with dedication and truly invite my soul to lead.

Committing to the discipline of a daily practice doesn’t mean you have to meditate for hours or even at all, your practice can be what you want it to be and it can be for as little as five minutes if that’s all you have to spare. I am a big believer in consistency when it comes to daily practice for consistency brings rhythm and rhythm brings integration and deep roots.

Your daily practice can be meditation, chanting, intuitive writing or walking in nature. It could be dancing, pottery, poetry or even drinking rose tea. You get to decide what works best for you. It can be anything that helps you go in and connect with the inner temple within.

Acting on the voice of your soul is not about doing one great big thing, it’s about taking baby steps each and every day. And with each new step you take, it becomes more and more like second nature.

All of my work now is dedicated to supporting you in doing just this. I created my membership in particular as a portal of support, inspiration, filled with practices (meditations, workbooks, soul inquiries, classes and rituals) so that no matter how long you have or what type of practice would most nourish you, there is something that you can reach for as a way of connecting to the wisdom that lives within.

If you’d like to explore deepening your spiritual practice and commit to acting on the wisdom of your soul this year, I would love to welcome you into my Membership. You can find out more about it here.

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