Why We Feel So Disconnected

In this episode


Reconnecting with ourselves, each other and Mother Earth.

Today, we explore and unpack the profound sense of separation many of us feel from ourselves, each other and from the Earth itself. Has our disconnection from the earth as our Mother, Her seasons, cyclic ways and ever-changing state caused the problems that humanity is facing on this planet today? Now more than ever, we need to acknowledge the sacred that is here on earth – above us, below us, around us and within us. My hope for this episode is that you reconnect with nature and weave this connection back into your daily life.

“Now more than ever we need to see the sacred in all things. To notice the breathtaking beauty that is all around us.”

– Rebecca Campbell

Soul Inquiry

The Soul Inquiry prompts for this episode are:
When you feel disconnected, what helps you reconnect?

Now it's time to commit to a grounded action:
What is one baby step you can take in that direction?

Key Timestamps

  • 02:32 Opening Sacred Space.

  • 03:13 The definition of ‘nature’.

  • 04:02 The real separation so many of us feel.

  • 04:45 We need to see the sacred in all things.

  • 05:13 We all have indigenous Earth-based traditions in our ancestry.

  • 06:19 Our ancient Earth traditions have been severed and forgotten.

  • 07:26 Still, nature cradles, heals and calls us to return to Her.

  • 08:13 Humans are one with the Earth itself.

  • 08:47 Today’s Soul Inquiry prompts.

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