Codes of the Seeds

Codes Of The Seed .jpg _The Rose Oracle by Rebecca Campbell

The blueprint is within you. Take the next step.

Seeds come in knowing exactly what to do; within them they hold the potential of entire forests and rose gardens. Seeds have within them an intelligent timing that’s connected with the intelligence of the cosmos. We’re all seeds; future forests and gardens waiting to be born. We each hold the codes of a new humanity within us. Change is our natural state.

Seeds must be buried in the darkness before they can bloom into the light. Seeds can’t even begin to bloom without embracing the fertile void of the winter soil. They can’t flower without outgrowing the constraints of the bud. They can’t bear fruit without releasing their beauty to the earth and letting go of the very thing about them that captivated others.


Card of the day from The Rose Oracle

This card delivers the message that within you, you have all you need to create what you’re destined to create, to move through everything that life delivers and to navigate your way through any terrain. The blueprint has always been seeded within. Trust that you have within you the codes for the most glorious rose garden waiting to bud and bloom. Trust those codes. Remember that blueprint.

All you need to do now is take the next step. And tomorrow, take the next. If you continue taking baby steps each day, on a day not too far from today, you’ll look back and discover the most breathtaking garden of roses all around you. And then,  fruit will follow. Today, just take the next step. You know what to do. The blueprint is encoded within you.

Soul Inquiry

What’s your soul calling you to do? What’s one baby step you can take

take me to the oracle

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