18 ways to stay grounded in winter










One of the best ways to calm down anxiety running through your system is to get grounded. When we are grounded we are in our own body and able to differentiate what is ours and what we have picked up from other people.

Everyone knows the best way to get grounded is to get out in nature. But sometimes it isn’t possible to walk barefoot on the Earth or submerge ourselves in crystal clear water, especially in the colder months. So here are some ways that you can get grounded regardless of the weather.

1. Grounded sheets









I’ve been using these sheets for a couple of years now. You essentially bring the Earth electrons through to your home through Grounding technology (it’s essentially a metal rod that links to your sheets, sounds weird but it works).

2. Create an indoor garden










Create a little indoor herb garden or buy yourself an indoor plant to connect with and tend to each day.

3. Give yourself some soothing










During our busy lives we can get disconnected, exhausted and depleted. The Fill Up Your Well Replenishment Meditation is designed to gently soothe your whole system and restore your wellbeing. It’s a great way to experience deep, restorative rest and get back in balance.

4. Grounding Meditation













Connect with Mother Earth’s rhythmic pulse and ground your body with this Grounding Meditation for Empaths.

5. Let the sunshine in










In the colder months (particularly in the northern hemisphere) it’s easy to miss the sunshine! Take a good vitamin D3 to keep your d levels up and endeavour to get some direct sunlight on your face each day, even if only for a couple of minutes.

6. Yin Yoga










Activate your parasympathetic nervous system and release tension in the connection tissues of the body with a Yin Yoga Class. It is deeply relaxing and really lets your body exhale. It also helps you sleep deep and find your inner rhythm.

 7. Go Alpine










Go on a skiing trip. Being surrounded by the alpines and snow is just as good as laying on the sand.

8. Mother Earth in your bath









Remember that water is one of Earth’s elements too, immerse yourself in it by running a bath and filling it with epsom salts. If you want to treat yourself adorn the bath with several drops of lavender and eucalyptus and some rose petals.

9. Light your fire

















Embrace the element of fire through sitting in front of an open fire. If you don’t have a fireplace at home, find one at a pub or hotel. If that isn’t possible, light some candles and connect with the flame. Imagine your own inner flame being stoked as you watch it burn.

10. Floating










I’m a big fan of floating. It’s essentially a great big Epsom salt bath on steroids. You get in your little float tank and float to the top of the water like you would if you were in the dead sea in Jordan.

11. Watch a good Netflix series










Now some people say binge watching is being unconscious… but this one works for me! It is one of my favourite ways to snuggle up and recuperate if I’m feeling tired or overstimulated.

12. Do something that nourishes you










One of the reasons we feel ungrounded is because we get depleted. Doing things that nourish you are sure fire ways to get grounded. Finding a good bodyworker or masseuse is empath gold. There are many different ways to fill up your inner well.

13. Use natural fibres









Choose natural fibres for your bedding and clothing. Do your best to avoid synthetic.

14. Eat the earth

















Eat root vegetables such as turnips, potatoes, pumpkin, beetroot. Cook things slowly. Things like soup, bone broth and stews and really good to keep yourself grounded.

15. Bring Earth inside










Get some sand or earth in a container and put your feet in it inside!

16. Move your body






















While walking or exercising in nature is obviously a great way to stay grounded, we need to remember that we are not separate from the Earth, rather, we are the Earth too. Any way you can move your body, particularly in ways that it wants to move, the better. Take a dance class, a yoga class, swim in a heated pool or just select three songs and have a dance party in your living room. Sex works too.

17. Surrender to your own winter










Winter is about hibernation. Don’t push yourself. Remind yourself that seeds need darkness, silence and rest to germinate. Let yourself have a winter. Surrender to your own Inner Winter. Spring will be here soon.

18. Earth Pulsing












My favourite way to connect with the planet is to do a practice I call Earth Pulsing. Your own heart beat is connected to the heartbeat of the planet (Gaia). If it’s too cold or not practical to lay on the earth just lay on the floor or your bed and focus on the heartbeat of the Earth. Breathe slowly and imagine your own heartbeat slowing down and beating to Her rhythm.









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