The Void
Stop. Embrace winter. Great cosmic womb.
Everything and nothing exists in the Void. It’s where all life begins and ends. It’s the winter and the womb. The fertile darkness where all things originate and all seeds grow. Comforting and intimidating. Freeing and daunting. It can feel both overwhelmingly small and huge. The Void is where faith lives.
The message of the Void is to surrender to the unknown. To allow the fertile darkness of nothingness to nourish the new seeds growing within you. Regardless of whether you know what they’ll one day become. You’re being called to surrender to the mystery of what’s next. To rest, and to allow the winter of your life to do the work for you. To hand over your control and trust that just because you can’t see what’s happening beneath the surface, it doesn’t mean things aren’t at work.
The greatest weavings happen when we find a way to surrender and trust that our life is being knitted for us. Right beneath the surface. In ways known and unknowable. Now is the time to cultivate faith and allow deep deep rest.
The Void often surfaces at the end of a chapter or life phase. When we’re called to let go of all that we know and identify with. When you’re in the Void it can feel scary – and as if you should be ‘doing’ something. However, when this card appears it’s a sure sign that the most productive thing to do is relinquish control and surrender to the changing mystery of your life.
Starseed Soul Inquiry:
How are you being called to surrender to the unknown mystery of your life?
Card of the week from The Starseed Oracle.