Inspiration for living a soul-led life


The importance of grounded action

I hope you are okay amidst everything that is happening around the world. We are still in lockdown here in the UK. Like most new mums I’m pretty sleep deprived and juggling the running of my business during lockdown. Like many, I am missing my family and friends AND I am also incredibly fortunate and grateful that my loved ones and I are safe and well.

Since I last wrote I have been deeply moved by the first-hand experiences shared by people of colour within my community and beyond regarding the protests currently taking place in the US and around the world.

As a mother I cannot even begin to fathom what it would feel like to have my baby be treated differently because of the colour of his skin. And like many mothers, I have felt deeply called by the death of George Floyd, and know he is one of so many who have lost their lives to racial injustice.

For the past two years I have been committed to my ongoing anti-racism education and have been taking grounded action for change (such as being part of the Diverse Wisdom mentoring program, offering scholarships, donating money to causes and educators, and using my influence in organisations I have a voice in to bring about change). And I realise that while I’ve been sharing about this on social media I haven’t directly addressed it here in my newsletter. I feel it’s important to.

As a white woman I acknowledge how privileged I am and the tragic harm that colonialism and systemic racism have been responsible for across the world. I also deeply acknowledge how much there is to learn and unlearn and how important consistent grounded action is.

home posters

Growing up in Australia, I had a yearning for ‘home’ without being able to understand what that meant, and sometimes wonder if that is because it was never really the home of my ancestors. I moved to Europe in my early twenties and since having our son, my husband and I have felt the place of our childhood calling us. And while we haven’t lived there for fifteen years, we are realising that it is time for us to fully lean into educating ourselves on the harm done to Indigenous Australians, in order to be part of the change.
 Last week I posted a video by Erica Courdae, who spoke of the importance of ‘imperfect action’ instead of going silent. I found it really helpful so I’m sharing it in case you will too. You can watch it here.

If you are new to this conversation, I’m also including some resources below that I have personally found helpful: Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race by Reni Eddo-Lodge – this book is a particularly good one for anyone living in the UK (Reni has asked anyone who is planning to buy a copy to try ordering it from your local independent bookshop to help keep them going during this pandemic), ‘Why you need to stop saying “all lives matter”‘ by Rachel Cargle’10 Steps to Non-Optical Allyship’ by Mireille Cassandra Harper and the paper ‘White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack’ by Peggy McIntosh.

I know this year has been uncomfortable for many in many different ways. So much in our world is rising up to be dismantled and healed. I believe we are standing at a pivotal moment in human history where we are being called to take action for the kind of world we want to create. I believe that 2020 could be a significant year for change in our lifetime. But like any significant change, it asks that we take consistent grounded action. 

Soul Inquiry: What grounded action is 2020 calling you to take?



Great Mother,
May we stay in our uncomfortableness so we may heal.

May we drop our defences so we may heal.

May we stay in difficult conversations so we may heal.

May we be clearly guided so we may heal.

May we take consistent grounded action so we may heal.

Please guide us, please lead us, please show us the way.

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