The Ancient Stones Oracle is here!

Today is the day, The Ancient Stones Oracle is officially here! Look at how beautiful she is.

I fell in love with ancient stones when I went on my first pilgrimage to Ireland and visited Newgrange. The spirals on the entrance stone awoke something deep in my soul that never went back to sleep.

 It was ancient and familiar and after that trip my life was never the same. I have since visited many stone circles and temples all over the world and each time I am deeply moved by how much wisdom they hold and transmit.

Creating this deck changed me, it brought my soul deeper into my body than ever before. The cards are so supportive, steady and activated. Thank you to everyone who has supported their entrance into this world. I am hosting a special Activation Event for everyone who pre-orders that is happening next week. I also have several other goodies like an ancient stones ancestral soul journey, beautiful print, wallpaper and more. All you need to do is order The Ancient Stones Oracle before July 1st!

When I started writing books and creating oracles I had a vision of them all sitting together like this on an altar… It wasn’t clear exactly what each one was, but I could feel them calling me forth to create them!

I can’t quite believe they are all here now and I feel so grateful to be able to do this work. Look how cute they look together!

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