That is not God
To anyone who feels excluded by God, THAT IS NOT GOD.
To anyone who has been made to feel unholy, THAT IS NOT HOLY.
Thousands of years ago the Bhakti Kirtan movement began when the Indian poet saints gathered the lower caste people in villages around India (who were not allowed in the temples because of their status) to sing God’s name. To have a personal and collective experience of God. To get drunk on the divine essence and nectar that exists WITHIN ALL PEOPLE. AND ALL BEINGS. We all deserve that. We all have access to that. Christ stood for that. All of the great mystics did. And anyone who thinks they have the power to control that is, in my belief, missing the point and disconnected from this sweet sweet nectar. God, spirit, the divine spark, EXISTS WITHIN ALL OF US.
We can have a direct relationship if we choose to. And while organised structure can be absolutely amazing, you do not need an institution to connect with this nectar. It exists within each and every one of us. Start your own place of worship in the temple of your own heart. That is the most holy place of all. And if you are called to worship in an organised way, may we welcome all to join us.