She woke up in the middle of her life

They say these days that if you didn’t post it on social media it didn’t happen. But often the moments that change and move us the most call us so fully and deeply to them that we forget or avoid social media altogether. This past week was that for me. Perhaps these past few years too.

My feet are back on Glastonbury land after just over a week on the east coast of America where I led a retreat at the Omega Institute and a Healing the Mother Line Livestream Ceremony. I am not who I was before I stepped on the plane. This change within me is a long time coming and a culmination of many years of deep humbling inner work. It feels as though so many threads are coming together and like I’ve just taken a long awaited leap. As a type 4 on the enneagram authenticity is important to me and so it’s been difficult not to have been able to braid those threads together in real time.

The truth is that these past few years have demanded so much of me in an inner way and it’s been tricky to express it as I’ve been living it. Yet it appears as though that expression is coming now. Slowly but surely. And it feels so good.

P.S. If you missed the Healing the Mother Line Livestream Ceremony, you can watch the replay for the next 60 days here.

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