
Rebecca Campbell The Starseed Oracle

Doors are opening. You decide. Rewards. Wild card.

Doors are opening for you. Your thoughts are extra powerful for you just now. Planets are aligning. The timing is right. The Universe is saying YES! You have the Midas touch.

Your hard work is being rewarded. This is a time when you can reap the rewards for efforts made in the past. It’s also a time when you can achieve a lot. Great leaps can be made. Extreme transformation can occur. Great distances can be traveled in a short space of time. You’re swimming with the cosmic current of life.

What experience would you like to have? What do you want to create? What new adventure would you like to manifest? Don’t lose focus. Use this moment in time wisely. Be conscious and clear with your emotions and thinking. Projects that you’ve been working on are coming to fruition. Things are in full bloom. It’s time to take your harvest and taste your well-earned fruits.

When this card comes up in a spread it’s a sure sign that effortless change is possible. If you’ve been looking for a sign, this is your portal into that new reality. Now is the time to make big changes. If you’ve been guided to switch things up, you’re extremely well supported right now. Use this energy and jump right on in!

Starseed Soul Inquiry:

What would you most like to experience?

Card of the week from The Starseed Oracle.

take me to the oracle

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