
Don’t hold back. It’s time. Go for it. Dive in.

Don’t falter as you approach the water. Dive right on in. Headfirst. Don’t resist. You’ve been working for this for a long time. You’re ready. Go for it. The answer is YES!

This is a card of confirmation and clarity. It’s an invitation to take the plunge and say yes. If you’re someone who prefers to wait for permission or a timely invitation, you could consider this card’s message just that.

There are times for waiting, for restoring, and for repairing. This is not one of those times. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you feel completely prepared or fully confident. Those who dive in rarely do. But their attachment to resistance becomes less than their desire for the new. Maybe this is what’s been happening for you.

Card of the day from The Healing Waters Oracle

If you don’t feel ready, remember that so-called giant leaps are rarely that in reality. In most cases, there are hundreds if not thousands of baby steps taken day after day in the direction of a dream. Whatever it is that you most desire, the signs are pointing you in that direction. Now, take a deep breath and a great big run‑up, and take the plunge.


If you weren’t worried about it not working out, what would you plunge right into now?

take me to the oracle

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