Free Meditation: Pillar of Light

In all of my meditations I imagine myself entering what I call the Grace space, where I rest in the arms of the Great Mother or the sacred intelligent pulse of Life. There are so many different ways to do this, both with your eyes open and closed.
Today I’m sharing with you one of my favourite go-to meditations to feel centred, energised, strong and protected.
The meditation is called the Pillar of Light Meditation and you can add it to your collection and download it for free here.
Once you’ve practiced it a couple of times and got the hang of it, you can use this tool in the moment – sometimes I’ll do it with my eyes open when I’m doing the washing up or just walking down the street! You don’t even need to do it with the guided track, you can do it for 30 seconds or 60 seconds anytime you want to feel connected.

As I am preparing for maternity leave I am organising a few free sacred experiences and classes over October and November (watch this space).
The first one is something new called Spiritual Practice for Busy Parents, you can find out more about that here. And watch out for an email from me next week where I’ll be sharing an invitation to join me in ritual and sacred circle! If you’re not on my newsletter list, you can start receiving it here.