Life is always trying to initiate us

Life is always trying to initiate us

Life is always trying to initiate us. Right now how is life trying to initiate you?

It is the extremes of life that initiate us the most. And these are extreme times. Life is always trying to initiate us into even more of who we truly are. As individuals, as humanity, as a planet. Right now how is life trying to initiate you?

In times of solitude we are called to go in. In times of upheaval we are called to loosen our grip on that which is no longer aligned. In times of heart break we are called to keep our heart open through the extremes and to find a way to let it crack us open. In all times we are called to connect with our true inner nature and the interconnected true nature of all of Life.

It is in extreme times like this that all that is not important can fall away in an instant. Where things that are not necessary become clear. Where if we go in, we are able to see our lives in a different light. And we are able to truly see things for the first time. To see all that doesn’t matter. To see all that we have taken for granted. To see that being alive on this planet is a great privilege. And what a time you chose to come.

So many of us fear change, yet change is the most certain thing in the world.

To be initiated means to cross a threshold, going from one state of being to another. Often it requires a period of time in the unknown. A period of uncertainty. Where we know that we cannot go back to the way things were, but it is not yet clear as to the way things will be.

And so our only choice is to walk through the fire of the unknown. We go into no man’s land in order to journey back into the world changed.

As we cross the threshold it is clear that things will never be the same again. We are asked to walk blindly into a whole new world and a whole new way of being. Forever changed. Life is always trying to initiate us, but few people accept the initiation. It is the extremes of life that initiate us the most. Where we are given the opportunity to crown ourselves. But we must leave behind all that we know to journey into the kingdom that lies deep within.

Soul Inquiry:

How is life trying to initiate you?

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