Lay It On The Altar

Hand it over. Soften. Surrender. Forgive.

Held in the embrace of a Benedictine monastery perched on the rugged Montserrat mountain in Spain is a miracle-working 12th-century statue of the Virgin and Child known as the ‘Black Madonna.’

A sacred embodiment of the Divine, reflecting the intertwining of the spirit and the Earth, her presence reminds us of the mystical whispers of the stones that have been carved by time, a testament to the timeless wisdom of the Earth itself.

We can be so tough on ourselves, but it’s through our problems, challenges, and mistakes that we grow the most. And when we experience these difficult times, we gain the capacity to truly be there for another. No one is immune to the challenges of life, and we all need support as we journey through it. To know what can truly hold us through our ever- changing human life. To find a way to soften toward ourselves when life’s hard.

Lay your worries, concerns, and struggles onto the Great Mother’s stone altar and stay open to being supported. This card urges you to welcome support from those around you, to soften your heart, to forgive.

You don’t need to know how to do it, a willingness is enough. Offer compassion and mercy toward yourself and those around you. You don’t need to carry it all, you can call upon the support of those in both the seen and unseen realms. Remember that we’re always doing the best we can and that every moment of every day we can lay our worries on the Great Mother’s altar –we don’t need to go through it alone.


How can you soften your heart?

What are you carrying that’s getting too heavy to carry alone?

Today’s oracle reading is from The Ancient Stones Oracle

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