I Remember


Rebecca Campbell The Starseed Oracle⠀⠀

Soul plan. The fated life vs the destiny life.

There was a moment before you were born when you chose the conditions of the life you’re living right now. When you plotted out these exact moments along the timeline of your life.

We live in a world of free will, and therefore these moments become our destiny only through saying ‘yes.’ The fated life is the one we were born into. The destiny life is the one our soul chooses, and it takes courage and faith. If you pull this card it’s because you’re likely now face to face with the choice to follow the destiny life over the fated life. To trust the path your soul is calling you toward – and to remember that this moment was prearranged on your life’s timeline.

You may find yourself at a crossroads. At a moment when you’re being called to make a decision: to keep walking the perfectly laid out path before you or choose the one less traveled. You may be facing a change of career, a new relationship, a difficult decision, or something else that requires courage and faith.

You’re being invited to remember your soul’s greater plan and to surrender to it. When you’re confronted with a path that’s undefined, it’s normal for doubt to rear its head. In fact, this is a certain sign that you’re facing your soul’s greater plan. Every hero, in his or her life journey, comes eye to eye with doubt. The only way around it is through it. It’s all part of the larger plan.

Starseed Soul Inquiry:

What are you being called to do to surrender to your soul’s plan?

Card of the week from The Starseed Oracle.

take me to the oracle

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