Inspiration for living a soul-led life
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Has your soul been scheduled to go deeper than before?
Sacred Practices and monthly sacred circles
Soul recognition. Collaboration. Partnership. Friendship. This current period in history has been spoken of by mystics through the ages. And you chose to incarnate right in the middle of it. You didn’t do so alone. We came here in waves and with joint soul missions. You were never meant to...
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Replenishment. Self‑care. Giving from a place of plenty. The Sacred Well is a resting place, a recovery place, a healing place. It’s somewhere for weary travelers to be replenished. A place where we can receive and re-source in order to go back out into the world and give. As the...
What are you being called to create? Water is intelligent, and where there’s water, there’s Life. We are water beings. We travel from the watery world of the Great Mother to be born into this world, our first breath marking the transition from water to air. We all grew from...
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