We the Hathors
Sneak leak of the upcoming Starseed Oracle.
Last year Danielle Noel and I pilgrimaged to Egypt. After studying the ancient Gods and temples of Ancient Egypt since school it was the answer to a long standing call. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Our visit to Dendera to the Temple of Hathor only ever deepened my unknowingness of the great mystery of life, the Universe and our existence on this planet. Earlier that morning we had visited the water world temple of Isis. After which we boarded the bus and I fell into a deep sleep. I remember waking up hours later circling a giant eye sculpture in the town centre of Dendera. I could feel we were close. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
As we approached the temple I was in awe of the beauty. To me the Hathors felt both of this world and not of this world. They held such a gentle grace. Their wise faces which look so much like wombs. A deep deep mother holding. As we wove our way through the incredible pillars I found myself laying on my back, which is how I spent most of my time in this ancient temple. In absolute awe at the intricate details of the temple ceilings. Which only ever deepened the mystery even more. Subtle traces of deep indigo night sky blue that somehow speak to us through the winds of time. And a constant whisper of how my body (our bodies) are a portal. How birth is a gateway between the world for souls to enter.
Now approaching my last weeks of pregnancy I am reminded of these moments laying flat on my back in hidden chambers with these incredible ancient Gods dancing across the sky above me. A part of me feeling their whispers in my cells, whispers of the great mystery of life, birth and death. Deepening into the deep not knowingness of these incredible ancients, this incredible ancient civilisation, of humanity, our place in it and the mysterious pulse and journey of life.
Thank you Dendera. Thank you Hathors.