What an unexpected place we are in right now. So much is moving and changing. The only certainty seems to be change itself. As cyclic beings we know this, but it’s much harder to actually live it in extreme times such as these.
At the beginning of the year after giving birth and feeling into the changes I was being led to make for 2020, the message I got was really clear: gather people in devotion. And so we went about planning more events, even committing to booking physical spaces for a bi-weekly class in Glastonbury and a monthly one in London. Soon after arranging that came the call for social distancing and the need for us all to gather together, albeit not physically during these changing times.
So often the guidance we hear turns out different to what we first think. Our job, especially right now, is to be agile and nimble. To keep our ear to the ground and when we hear the whisper, be guided and led.
Last week I was guided to show up every day and hold a space of devotion for whoever wants to show up. I’m calling it Spend More Time with Your Soul: 21 Days of Group Devotion.

We all know that the more rocky the times the more we need our soul practices to keep us grounded and steady. The safer and more supported we feel, the safer and more supported people will feel in our presence.
I’ll be showing up on Instagram and Facebook Live every day at 15:00 GMT (8am PDT, 11am EDT), holding space for anyone who wants to tune in to their heart and stay connected and grounded during these extreme times.
I know that you are likely holding space for others in your community; thank you for doing that. A special thank you to all of the nurses and doctors and supermarket workers and delivery drivers and everyone who is devoting themselves to their communities at this time.
All the videos of the daily practices can be found on Facebook here. |