What is rising in you?

what is rising in you

What is rising in you? What is bubbling to come out? What is ready to overspill, to overflow, to come flowing out? What is ready to be born? What is bursting to emerge? What is impatiently tugging, nagging, and bursting to come through you?

Whether you like it or not, that is what is rising in you.

That which is bubbling up, that is what is rising in you.

That which is longing to be born, that is what is rising in you.

A child, a book, some form of creation.

That, all of that, that is what is rising in you.

When we connect with the bubbling well of our heart and let it do its thing, we connect the inspiration of Divine Mother with the power of Divine Father. Inspiration and creation merge with surrender and daily action.

Give in to the bubbling,

Surrender to the swelling,

Show up every day with tiny daily actions.

For when you express what is in your heart, or rather let what is in your heart express itself through you, you effortlessly dive into the current of a life in alignment. And when you live a life in alignment, your unique presence alone contributes to the healing of the planet. And when you draw your last breath, you do so knowing that your being here has left the planet a little more harmonious than it was before.


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