We are Nature

we are nature the rose oracle

Becoming grounded. Embodiment. Living in connection.

We’ve built a world on top of the world. If you look up the word ‘nature’ in a dictionary you’ll see a reference to plants, animals, and landscapes as opposed to humans. We speak of ‘getting into nature’ or ‘getting grounded’ as something we need to do. We’ve forgotten that we don’t exist in nature – we are nature. 

Indigenous Earth-based traditions have always seen the planet and all beings as interconnected and sacred, humans as one with the Earth itself. The Earth and Mother Rose are calling us back to the Earth, to weave the sacred back in, to weave nature back into the center of our everyday lives, to see ourselves as nature, and to spend more time interacting with the living natural world – returning to nature. How’s your connection with nature? What’s your relationship with your own body? How can you live in a more grounded way?

we are nature the rose oracle

Card of the day from The Rose Oracle

This card is an invitation to develop a deeper connection with the Earth. To actively spend time with the physical natural world around you, to tend it, and to take your place as a custodian of it. To see the sacred in all of Life. To notice the changing seasons around you and within you and to remember that you too are part of the Earth’s ever-changing landscape. To remember that you are nature and that you’ll always find your true nature in nature. To embrace your body as your home. And the planet as your Mother

Soul Inquiry:

How can you connect more deeply with nature and your own true nature? How can you return more to the Earth?

take me to the oracle

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