Life always finds a way

rebecca campbell

You have everything in you to get through anything that life throws at you, because you are part of Life, and Life always finds a way. When experiencing the ebbs and flows of Life, it’s easy to feel like you are a victim of all of this, but what if all of your suffering is actually happening for you, not to you, and is just Life’s way of getting you back into Her flow?

All of the world’s problems stem from the epidemic of separation. All are caused by a fearful belief that we are all on our own. Every man or woman for herself. Me against You. Us against Them. She against Me. But just as Carl Sagan found when he looked down at this amazing blue dot of a planet called Earth, there are no borders and we are not separate from Life. There is no other. Just us all.

We can continue with our individual schemes or we can surrender to the interconnected flow of Life. Realising that when you lose something that you thought was yours, you did not own it in the first place. Rather it was just part of all that is just like you. When you choose to see yourself as part of Life, you fall back in flow with the planet. When you fall back in flow with the planet, you fall back in flow with the Universe. When you fall back in flow with the Universe, you fall back in flow with Source. When you fall back in flow with Source, you fall back in flow with everything.

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